
Better business with Brad Flynn February 2024

Have you ever asked your staff what is most important to them when it comes to working for you, or have you just assumed you know?

 The golden rule states: “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”.

 Personally, I like the platinum rule: “Do unto others as they would have done unto themselves”.

 In study after study, the results consistently come back with a vast difference between what the business owner thinks the team member wants and what staff actually want.

 Here is a quick summary of the difference, ranking by most important (1) through to least important (9), by what employees want and what business owners think they want.

Area                                                        Employee rank           What owner thinks

Appreciation for work                                 1                                            7

Feeling ‘in’ on things                             2                                             9

Help on personal problems               3                                             8

Job Security                                                4                                             2

Good Wages                                               5                                            1

Interesting work                                        6                                            4

Promotion/growth/opportunity           7                                            3

Personal loyalty to workers                   8                                            5

Tactful Disciplining                                   9                                            6


One of the most important things a business owner must do is to work with their team to help get the best from them, not just for the business but for the team members too. If this happens, the team member will get fulfillment from their work and perform better.