Mysterious spill flows into Redcliffe waterway

Published 12:51pm 29 July 2024

Mysterious spill flows into Redcliffe waterway
Words by Kylie Knight

A Redcliffe waterway has turned a bright shade of blue today, with authorities investigating the cause.

Queensland Fire and Rescue Services’ scientific response team is onsite at Humpybong Creek, in the heart of Redcliffe, testing the water and trying to determine what has discoloured the water.

At this stage, it appears as though a substance has spilled into the waterway, perhaps from a nearby drain.

A Queensland Fire and Rescue Service spokesman says they received a call about 11.20am regarding a possible chemical spill and sent three crews to the scene. The scientific unit followed and carried out testing which showed the substance to be 'benign'. 

He says the affected area was about 5sqm initially and appears to be the result of something 'washing into the waterway'. The situation has now been handed back to council to investigate.

Moreton Daily asked Moreton Bay City Council for information about the possible cause, if there was any risk to the public and wildlife and how it will contain the spill. 

A spokeswoman said: "Contamination of Humpybong Creek, Redcliffe was reported to Council by a member of the public this morning.
"Council officers immediately went to the site and took samples for assessment.
"Surveying is underway as Council continues to investigate what the contaminate is, and the source.
"At this stage there is no indication of wildlife being affected."

It is unclear if any measures are being taken to contain the spill.


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