
Scarborough Pest Control, tough on pests

The team at Scarborough Pest Control recently celebrated the business’s fifth birthday, remaining focused on providing a high level of customer service and treatments that work.

Owners Carly and John Knight lead a small, but dedicated team, including Austyn Shaw, Jeremy Allchin and Teegan Dillon, who work hard to ensure they do the job properly.

“We spend the time on the job, we allocate the right amount of time, we don’t try to make our technicians sprint around the world,” Carly says.

“Customer service is important because we live here, and we work here. We are trying to treat our customers in the way we would treat ourselves.

“If I was to pay somebody a couple of hundred dollars for a job, I’d want a good job and I’d want the treatment to be successful.”

Carly has been in the industry for 15 years, working for a family run company prior to its sale.

John is also qualified in all termite pest control and so they launched the Scarborough-based business together.

Ninety per cent of their clients are local but they also service other areas within the City of Moreton Bay as well as northern suburbs of Brisbane.

“We do all your general pest control – cockroaches, spiders, ants, fleas, rodents, pantry moth, mosquitoes, midgies and flies … any pest you can think of,” Carly says.

“With termites – we do all of it … termite inspections, active termite treatments, preventative chemical soil treatments, pre-construction treatments for new builds and termite baiting stations.”

As the cooler weather sets in, they are seeing an increase in rodent activity, while a wet summer and autumn have made ants and cockroaches more active. Due to the climate and environment, the external pressures of pest activity are higher than usual.

“We recommend carrying out a least annual termite inspections and pest control to reduce the risk of issues at your home. Why wait for issues when prevention is better than cure?”

Scarborough Pest Control is fully licenced and insured.

Get rid of unwanted visitors fast!

To find out more, visit or phone 3203 8378.

QBCC: 15047832